September 14, 2024
Check out our recently received tab for the latest and greatest addition’s to the shop! While your at it check us out on facebook and instagram links are at the bottom of the page advancedarms_tactical is our handle. Feel free to follow, drop us a like and comment. – The Advanced Arms Family
This Ohio Ordnance Works 1918a3 BAR is a perfect example of this. The Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) model 1918 was developed by John M. Browning in 1917. Marlin-Rockwell Corporation, Colt, and Winchester made 85,000 rifles during WWI to meet the US military requirement. Ohio Ordnance Works, Inc. manufactures a semi-automatic version of this rifle; 1918A3-SLR…
Well we do and this is how it works. You pick out the gun you’ve been waiting so long to get. You put half of the price tag down on it. After that, we will hold the gun for you. The next month you put another 25% down on the gun. Finally, on the 2nd…
The statewide pheasant season kicks off Saturday, October 26. The Game Commission will release approximately 237,000 pheasants throughout the season — find stocking locations here. In addition to a general hunting license, hunters must also possess a pheasant permit, available online at or in-store at an issuing agent. Pheasant hunters are also required to wear 250 square inches…
Introducing the LTT HK USP Phoenix, AZ – Langdon Tactical Technology (LTT) known for their best-in-class custom gunsmithing, is proud to announce the addition of the HK USP to their custom firearm offerings. Pistol Frame Options: ·USP 45: DA/SA 45 caliber, Barrel Length 4.41, overall length 7.91″ ·USP 9C Compact (V1): DA/SA 9mm, Barrel Length 3.58″, overall length of…
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